$9f9|1-Retro demos dun by Mammoth (again) $dfd Its Sumday afternoon and I`ve just spent a few hours pissing about on me 500 beastie here in Felixstowe, been knocking up a quick demo to prove that I can still do it. Nowtmuch, just a scroller, some scrolling DPLF mountains and sumballs, and it occurred to me when I viewed it that it looked like an old Savage demo from 1989, y`know the Strange demo? No? Oh well it looked like that anyway. And it then got me thinking about "Retro demos", like the music industry going back some years and "borrowing" influences maybe us coders are doing the same thing. I`m not saying its a bad thing its just that in the present climate with the Amiga would people accept a demo that we`ve all seen before? Is any demo better than no demo at all? Good question is`nt it? What do you think Kei, you`ve been in the scene as long as me (I joined it in 1989) will any old demo do aslong as its out there and people are watching it? $ff0 [I'm actually editing The WORD 13 at the Carnage Internal Gathering Party No.8 and the feeling from the guys here is enough of the spinning cubes and dougnuts! Just coz a coder took a few days to code the routine doesn't mean we should watch it spin for five minutes. After I got rid of my A500 I also got rid of most of the demos I couldn't run/patch on my A1200. Carnage have'nt worked on an asm coded demo since Goz left so take a look at our new release coded by Spin (ex-LSD) and tell me what you think. It's the scene voters that you should ask this question to though, not me. Kei] $dfd Is there originality any more? Who knows, its up to us to get the ideas and develop them further. $ff0 [There is but it's rare and usually foreign. Kei] end